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Challenge: Bringing Home Baby: What Do You Wish You’d Known?

What I wished I'd known before my babies come home

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Wished I had known as a new mom that it takes a few days for your ​"breast milk" to start flowing.  I came home from the hospital and my daughter kept crying.  I could not figure out why.  Luckily my nurse friend at the time who was a home health, mom and baby nurse know exactly what was happening.  We went out and got  formula and fed that to her until my breast milk started flowing! Thank for small mercies! 

Wished I was also told that they would be days when you felt like your bundle of joy was more like a pain!    My son, Ryan would not go to sleep until 3am in the morning (my mom had him take a nap at 7pm).  At the time he was born, my daughter Olivia was 23 months old.  So when Ryan would go to sleep at 3am, she would wake up at 3:30am to ask for a "cup of milk".  I felt like I was going crazy because between these two, I was not getting any sleep.  Funny thing is, now in 3rd and 5th grade, I can't get them to wake up!!!

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