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Challenge: Kitchen Q&A


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Hello! So... I love to cook. I am by myself, but for my daughter dropping by - who is exceptionally picky (!) and my almost 9-year young granddaughter - who is far less picky than Paxton, yet still a child. I've been vegetarian for nearly three decades - officially three this summer :-). I do not eat fish or chicken, as many like to call themselves vegetarian and eat fish and/or chicken. Personally I find that quite offensive. If you eat the latter, you are just someone not eating fish or chicken - not vegetarian. There a many "levels", if you will from vegetarian to 'breathetarian' - someone who sits & meditates on a mountain top in Tibet and consumes a (religious) host each day. I like ice cream far too much :-)! As I have learned over the many years, there are many lifestyle - diets - choices, well worth researching. I suppose my reason for not yet being asleep is to mention some of this and then to request more vegetarian recipes. My story is a rather long one, one that I would love to share; however, and suffice to say that I watch Today every morning, to get the day started! I feel like you are my friends and look forward to each show - even weekends! So, that is just a little of what I wanted to share and ultimately request. If it can happen, great. If not, I get it. Either way, have a really good day & I will absolutely see you tomorrow! Kind Regards ~ Monica L. Driscoll

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