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Challenge: Choosing Baby Names

How we choose our baby name

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After six long years of infertility and multiple surgeries and procedures, we finally were able to conceive in December 2008. I took my pregnancy test on NYE to see if I could have that glass of champagne at the neighbors house where we were attending a party that evening. How do I keep this a secret for how many months?? Wow that's a challenge!

Moving ahead to the name picking. We agreed almost immediately on a girl name. There was no going back and forth. I said what I wanted and BAM. He liked it. Amazing because we usually don't agree. HA

On to the boy name. Here's where it was a challenge. We could not agree on anything. You know when a name is said and you think back to grade school or high school and you picture that "person" in your head. THAT'S a definite NO. We went on for months back and forth. Emailing ideas. Texting. Nothing. Finally my husband sent me his "Final Answer" in the subject line with an email attached as his Top Ten. I opened the attachment and breezed through the names. I was hoping something "popped" out at me. It didn't. (Sad face). So we went off into the planned Cesarean section surgery without a boy name.

I forgot to tell you. We didn't know what we were having.. a boy or a girl. Both of us thought we were having a girl so no biggie we didn't have a boy name. It was 50/50 right? The gut says girl so we are good.

Fast forward to September 4th, 2009. The baby was delivered at 7:48am. My husband proudly and ecstatically says, "Honey it's a BOY!" In my mind I'm like, Oh-Oh.

Our son went nameless for approximately 2 hours. Then it hit me. I picked the #2 name off my husband's list because it was a name I did like and I could handle. We have a tough last name and it will always need to be spelled to others. (Turek). So we needed a first name that was simple. We wanted a strong first name that could be shortened and also sound like a US President or a Major League Baseball player :) (Mommy/Daddy Dream).

And that's how William Frederick Turek came into this world. We call him Will. Will the Thrill. He is the most loved almost 8 year old in the whole wide world!


Jody Turek

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