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Challenge: WHO Are You?

'I'm so in love with you' and other affirmations we should tell ourselves

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"I'm so in love with you. Do you know that?

I'm sure I don't say it enough, and certainly, you don't hear it enough.

I'm sure that you even think that I love the old you better than you of the present, but you are wrong about that.

There is nothing more attractive than the face of someone with life experiences from which the lessons, both good and bad, have forever left their mark; in the form eye wrinkles, laugh lines, under-eye bags or scars.

You, my friend and confidant, you are lovely, and how you wear your feelings, it's just incomparably beautiful."


And then she stepped away from the mirror, completing her morning affirmation.

What if we all decided to speak to and about ourselves in this way; a manner defined by respect, admiration, support and unconditional love?

I'd be lying if I said I don't struggle with my appearance and body image issues.

From my big, pointy noise, to my small, yellowish, slightly-crooked teeth, to my damaged-from-bleach hair, to my faded, microbladed eyebrows, to my post-three children body, I am very quick to either avoid the mirror altogether or catch of a glimpse of myself and shake my head in disappointment.

But, why?

I know that beauty is beyond skin deep.

I know I need to live that belief, promote its truth and model in action for my children.

Here's to us mothers believing and always remembering that no one in this world compares to each of us.

We don't compare to each other because there is no need for us to.

Every one of us is so unique in our personality, feelings, choices, and experiences and it is each of those things that comes together and connects like a puzzle to make us the perfectly flawed masterpieces we must avow that we are – both for our own deserved sake and our children's.

I used to find affirmations to be silly and kind of, well, childish.

BUT, do you know what is really immature?

Believing that a single feature of mine defines me in any way other than positively.

Those bags under my eyes, sure they mean I am tired, but I would never give up my three exhausting children for more rest.

My teeth? They do their job. I like to eat, and they help me do that.

Those racetracks on my forehead, as my son once described them, they each tell a story, one that I will never let Botox erase.

And, that big nose of mine, it works perfectly for allowing me to breathe in the sweet smell that is my children and my home.

"I'm so in love with you," I tell myself as I look in the mirror each morning and YOU SHOULD TOO.

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