Cathy Cartier
Cathy Cartier is a high school English Language Arts (ELA) teacher and an ELA Curriculum Co-Chair in the Affton School District in St. Louis. For over 18 years, she has taught and written curricula for several courses in Affton.
Cartier began her career in social work directly out of college and decided to get a teaching certificate and Master of Education in Secondary Education at the University of Missouri – St. Louis after staying home with her own children for several years. She went on to attend the Gateway Writing Project’s (GWP) Summer Institute and become a teacher consultant for GWP. She is now also an adjunct professor at the University of Missouri in St. Louis as well as a high school teacher.
Cartier earned a Certificate in the Teaching of Writing, and is engaged in the professional development of other teachers in Missouri. When she is not teaching, she enjoys reading, gardening, writing and spending time with her three children, and five grandchildren. Cartier was selected as Missouri's State Teacher of the Year for 2013 and is a current member of the National Network of State Teachers of the Year.

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