Martie Sirois
Martie Todd Sirois is an award-winning performer in both musical and non-musical theatre, an educator, and a blogger/writer/speaker about life with a gender creative child, and parenting in general. Her blog has often been featured on the front page of both The Huffington Post and The Good Men Project. Martie has also shared her writing during the Listen to Your Mother Show (RDU, 2016), and on radio on "The State of Things" with Frank Stasio on WUNC/NPR, and on "Tell Me Everything" with John Fuglesang on SiriusXM Insight. Martie is the founder of S.E.A.R.CH., (Safe Environment for the Acceptance of Rainbow CHildren), the first Gender Creative Playgroup for Kids/Parent Support Group in NC, and leads it as a program of the LGBT Center with her very supportive husband, Matt. Martie is also a Southern Advisory Council Member for the Family Equality Council, a national organization exclusively dedicated to securing justice and equality for LGBTQ parents and their children by advancing social justice for all families. Martie loves living and volunteering in her hometown, with her husband, their three beautiful children, and their two peculiar but lovable, elderly pets.

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