Parents, you’ve got questions, we’ve got answers.

Or just as likely, we’ve got questions and you’ve got answers.


Kids with Special Needs

Do you have a child with special needs? Share your challenges and triumphs with the TODAY Parenting Team. How is the experience different from what you imagined when your child was first diagnosed? How have you tackled medical needs, handled anxiety and maintained perspective? What have you learned from your child, and what have you learned about parenting a special-needs child that you wish other parents knew? Please share your insights and experiences. We’re all in this together, and we’d love to hear from you.

Thanks for joining the conversation. Remember, your photos, content and comments may be used on the TODAY show and its digital and social platforms. You must be a parent or guardian of any minor featured in any content that you post or you must have parental permission to do so.

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