Parents, you’ve got questions, we’ve got answers.

Or just as likely, we’ve got questions and you’ve got answers.


It's Back to School: Share Your Advice

Parenting is all about graduating to the next stage. So with back-to-school upon us, it’s your turn to use your ‘been there, done that’ experience to guide others. Share your advice with parents who are embarking on a stage you’ve already conquered. Parents of kids in elementary school: write a letter to parents of new kindergarteners. High school parents: tell us how to survive having kids in middle school. Parents of college freshmen or beyond: share your advice on getting through high school. Don't have kids in school yet and still want to contribute? Share your questions or advice on day care. Whether it’s practical advice or moral support, let’s help each other out!

Thanks for joining the conversation. Remember, your photos, content and comments may be used on the TODAY show and its digital and social platforms. You must be a parent or guardian of any minor featured in any content that you post or you must have parental permission to do so.

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