How to raise a smart and happy child? Parents are concerned about their children's development and more when it has to do with their intellectual development. We all want our children to be intelligent, but few know how to encourage it. Here we reveal a series of tips to raise an intelligent child.
Intelligence is a much desired quality. It seems that the smartest people are the most successful in life. Although this is not always so. Many other factors intervene in success. But the truth is that intelligence helps us a lot. What can we do to foster intelligence in our children?
Tips for raising an intelligent child
1. Take care of the food
How to raise an intelligent child? Child development begins in the womb. It is there that the genes and the uterine environment influenced by the mother's behavior will have a great weight in later development, both physical and cerebral and cognitive.
2. Promotes physical activity
A key recommendation to promote the child's intelligence is physical activity. Exercise stimulates cognitive development. Specifically, study shows that it has been seen that children who learn to swim at an early age acquire a wide range of skills before.
3. Take him to the nursery
Taking your child to daycare can help you be a smarter child. Early contacts with environments that stimulate language, which lead him to interact with other children, develop sociability and foster his independence have a positive impact on his performance and subsequent intelligence.
4. Encourage him to go to music classes
Enough studies suggest that early music training can increase the intellectual development of preschool children. Specifically, it positively influences memory, literacy skills like technology.
5. Motivate him
Encourage him to strive, to learn from mistakes and not to give up. These are one of the keys to success. Teach him that nothing happens to be wrong if we later learn from mistakes. Reward him the effort, not for the results: “It shows that you have worked hard and studied hard for this exam. Keep it up". Don't let him give up on the first difficulty: “It's a difficult task, but if you give up so soon you won't get what you want. Try doing it differently. ”
6. Read with your child
Raising your child in a stimulating environment is one of the key factors in promoting their intellectual development. Reading stories with him, in addition to promoting a taste for reading, will teach him values, encourage his imagination, stimulate language acquisition and encourage reflection. In addition, it is still quality family time, which has a positive impact on their emotional development.
7. Select games stimulate
How to raise an intelligent child? There is no better way to develop cognitively than through play. But, eye, there are better games than others. It encourages the use of educational, constructive games that encourage reasoning and imagination.
8. Talk to him
How to raise an intelligent child? Whether you are small and have not acquired the language yet, as if you already have it, communication is essential. Talking with younger children stimulates language acquisition and learning new vocabulary. When they are older, talk to them and ask them how they are, how they feel, what they liked the most and what they least of the day, helps them to be more communicative and express what they feel.
9. Foster emotional intelligence
Cultivating the emotional intelligence of our children is essential for good development. Emotional intelligence is the ability to manage our own emotions and those of others.
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10. An intelligent child must assume responsibilities
Giving your child small responsibilities, always according to his age, is very beneficial for the development of his independence, ability to solve problems, self-esteem. If you use your child to give it all done, he will think that he is not able to do things, will learn much later to do them, and will grow up being dependent on others.
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