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15 ways to be a fun mom even when you're tired

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Would you consider yourself a fun mom? How about your kids? With all the things that moms have to do and remember, it’s easy to get wrapped up in the daily tasks and forget to have fun with your kids.

I’m definitely guilty of getting too wrapped up in adulting. With three kids and a husband in the Army, most tasks fall upon me. There’s cooking, cleaning, working, and taking care of the kids. It might not sound like much but it can easily take over.

When my oldest daughter was younger, I didn’t work and only had one kid. Life was much slower and it was easier to spend quality time with my daughter. As life went on and I had my other two daughters, there was less time in the day. I now work both from home and outside the home part-time. With more kids comes more cleaning and more things to remember.


This year my oldest daughter started high school! After the initial panic of realizing I was old enough to have a kid in high school, I realized that I don’t have much more time before she’s off to college. I don’t want to spend all of my time cleaning and working. I want to spend time with my kids and be a fun mom.

Life is still going full swing, but by implementing some of these easy ways to be a more fun mom, I can make some memories with my girls.

15 Easy Ways To Be A Fun Mom

1. Have random, silly conversations. There are times when we are stuck in traffic and I’ll ask some ridiculous question that gets my kids talking.

2. Bust out a joke. Nothing gets kids laughing more than a silly knock-knock joke. It doesn’t have to be hours of joke-telling, just one or two jokes will do.

3. Sit and read to your younger kids. I used to read to my kids all the time, but I’m sad to say that isn’t something we do very often anymore.

4. Have a dance party. Music or no music, just bust a move. Sometimes my kids will be listening to music on their phones and when they walk into the room, I surprise them with a dance party. I do get some strange looks from my older two daughters sometimes.

5. Ask them a question. It’s simple but lets your kids know that you’re thinking of them. You can choose a silly question like “ What would you do if you saw a cat wearing pants?” or simply ask how their day was.


6. Make a mess. I know this one goes against all of your instincts but your kids will love it. Let go of your inner clean freak and join them in getting all the toys out! You can clean up later.

7. Sing with them. This is another thing that I randomly do and get strange looks for. If one of my kids is watching a movie or listening to music, I’ll randomly bust out singing. “Let It Go “ is one of my favorites to surprise my kids with. Another great way to be fun is to make up your own words to a song. Sing a silly song about your dog to the tune of one of your kid's favorite songs.

8. Play hide and seek with your kids. This is an oldie but goodie. Twenty minutes of playing hide and seek is plenty of time to create memories and have fun. I love finding places to hide that I don’t think my kids will think of.

9. Take a spur of the moment trip to the park or out for ice cream. My kids think it’s amazing when I tell them at 8 p.m. on the weekend to get in the car so we can go for ice cream.

10. Do gymnastics or yoga with your kids. Ok, I’m not that good at gymnastics, but when I join in a do a cartwheel, they think it’s hilarious.


11. Draw portraits of each other. We love getting creative in our house. Grab the art supplies and draw each other. Sometimes my kid's artwork looks better than mine.

12. Make cookies. Simple right, well make them at night when you’re watching a movie. Your kids won’t expect it and will have a blast.

13. Play charades with your kids. You don’t need an actual game. Just pick something, act it out, and have your kids guess.

14. MadLibs are a great way to have fun with your kids. I remember doing them as a kid and have introduced my kids to them. Even my four year old can participate. These are some cute MadLibs we like.

15. Let your kids put on a show. My younger two daughters love practicing a dance show or singing songs. They quite often ask my husband and I to attend their show and even hand out tickets. You might be busy doing mom things but take a few minutes to attend their show.

There are so many other ways to be a fun mom; all you have to do is think outside the box.

What are some fun things you do with your kids?

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