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Challenge: Back to School 2020

5 Effective Morning Routine Ideas for School Days

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If you have school age kiddos who are going to be attending face-to-face schooling this year, you're probably thinking about your morning routine for school days and how to make things run a little more efficiently in the mornings.

Fear not, mama! I have a few ideas for you.

My daughter starts preschool in a couple of weeks, and I'm already thinking of how our morning routine is going to change -- at least, for the two days each week that she'll be going to school.

(Yes, my four-year-old is going to preschool in a pandemic, and yes, I'm a bundle of nerves. BUT... I'm also confident in the school's safety precautions, and we'll pull her out if things head south.)

Without delay, let's take a look at five morning routine ideas for school days to keep things running smoothly.


Photo by Daiga Ellaby on Unsplash

1. Prep backpacks before bedtime.

Since my daughter will be in preschool, she probably won't have homework to bring back to school. However, I'll send an extra change of clothes and any personal care products, such as lotion and chapstick, that she might need there.

Rather than waiting until morning and running around like crazy, collecting books and assignments, make it part of your evening to pack bags for the next day. That way, the kiddos can just grab and go when it's time to head out the door.

2. Check the weather and choose outfits.

Also before bed, it's always a good idea to check the weather forecast and select appropriate outfits, setting them out so you (and your kids) don't have to waste time in the morning when you realize there are no clean socks!

Make sure to prepare any outdoor gear you might need, as well, such as snow gear or umbrellas if needed for the next day.

(This is also a good time to make sure everyone has a clean mask or face covering ready to go!)

3. Pack lunches right after dinner.

While you're putting the leftovers away, why not pack lunches before cleaning up the kitchen (especially if you're packing leftovers in the lunch boxes!).

Pop those babies into the fridge, and grab them on your way out the door in the morning!

4. Freeze grab-n-go breakfasts on the weekends.

A filling breakfast is important to me, but I know as parents of school age kids, we don't have a lot of time to cook up a healthy breakfast every weekday morning. Enter the grab-n-go breakfast.

Breakfast sandwiches and burritos freeze well, and you can quickly warm them in the microwave before heading to school and work.

Fill them with protein and veggies to help keep both you and the kiddos going until lunch.

5. Wake up feeling refreshed in the morning.

The best way to have a smooth morning is to make sure everyone gets enough sleep. This means working backward to come up with the right bedtime for each person.

Figure out what time you have to leave the house, then work backwards based on how much time it takes to get ready each morning. Once alarm clocks are set, determine the appropriate number of hours of sleep each person needs, and figure out their bedtime from there.

Hopefully these morning routine ideas for school days help you prepare for the new school year!

Read more from Tonya:

How to Create a Morning Routine for Moms (that Actually Works)

9 Tips to Perfect Your Daily Routine for Moms

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