One day your kids will be all grown up and they'll have their own homes. The lessons you teach now will impact them for the rest of their lives, so it's something you have to take seriously. Why don't you show them how to make the garden more eco-friendly?

It's a really important issue at the moment and global warming is going to hurt us. Can you imagine Australia becoming any warmer than it is already? Your children will have to live in the future we create, so here are a few green tips you can show them.
How To Grow Basic Vegetables
You don't need to go too crazy if you have zero experience growing vegetables, but it won't be hard for you to grow the basics with your children. You'll be able to learn something new alongside them.
There aren't a lot of things you can do at home greener than growing your own food. Vegetables cause lots of damage to the environment before they end up in the supermarket. Your kids might start enjoying veggies more too.
Growing Plants Using Plastic
Everyone should remember those art programs on television we used to watch as kids. They would ask you to go around the house collecting things in order to create a piece of art work, but they didn't do it the eco-friendly way.
Even if you recycled materials they would be thrown out within days. If you teach your children to grow plants old plastic bottles will last years, because when they've been cut in half they make nice containers.
You Can Start Harvesting Water
Do you know what those big warehouse drums look like? When they're empty your kids will be able to move them, so get yourself one and you'll never have to waste water again. You'll be able to collect rain from now on.
Your kids will be able to move the drum into position at the end of your shed, but you'll have to set up the gutters if there are none there already. When the rain hits the roof it will make its way into your water drum.
Creating A Compost Heap
If you have a large garden you'll be able to show your kids how to create a compost heap. When you're doing the gardening you can ask them to round up all the waste and throw it on top of the pile.
They can go outside and throw their old paper and vegetable peelings on it too. The only thing you will have to do is turn it when it's heavy. Once you've got compost it can be used for the planting we've talked about.
Attracting Lots Of Wildlife
This will be the one your children find most interesting if they love animals. Australia isn't as bad as some countries where it's covered in snow half the year, but you can still help feed birds.
If you plant the right things you'll also be able to attract anything from butterflies to frogs. Build a small pond with your child and you'll be providing a variety of animals with a place to call home.
Now Is The Time To Start
The world is only going to get worse in the next few years, so the best time to start teaching your children eco-friendly gardening tips is now. They'll begin to think greener about a number of different things because of it. If we keep destroying the planet our kids are the only ones who will be able to save it.
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