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5 Tips for a Morning Routine that Works!

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Our mornings run pretty smoothly.I like to think we’re a well-oiled machine, however, I know it’s the result of a lot of hard work. And I'm not too proud to admit that a lot of mornings it all goes wrong too.

I was a total night owl and was blessed with 3 children who are hard-core morning people. I’m talking about wake up by 6:30 and get dressed before they even leave their bedroom kind of morning people. It’s taken a lot of adjustment from me but I finally feel like we’ve got it together in the mornings.

Recently, my husband and I were feeling pretty tired at night so we didn’t clean up the kitchen or make the girls’ lunches before bed. The next morning we were awoken by the trash truck and the panic that we hadn’t taken the trash out.

We were running late.

It turned into one of those mornings where everyone was yelling to be heard and the preschooler ran around the kitchen table half dressed.

By the time we got in the car we were 20 minutes late. Then my gaslight came on before I even pulled out of the driveway.

Isn’t it true that when one thing goes wrong, the morning just seems to tumble downhill?

Here are 5 tips to help ensure you have a smooth morning:

1. Organize as much as you can the night before.

  • Clothes picked out and on the bed (this includes socks and underwear and shoes near their bedroom doors).
  • Lunches packed and notes written
  • Backpacks packed

2. Wake up before the kids do

  • This one is so incredibly hard but it will allow you to get showered, dressed, and ready without anyone interrupting you and needing you for something.

3. Keep the same routine

  • Do the same routine every single day: Our girls get dressed, make their bed, brush their teeth & hair, and then go downstairs. We do it this way because once the kids go downstairs it’s so much harder to get them back upstairs to do something. Once we are downstairs we are ready to head out the door after eating breakfast.

4. Give the kids responsibility

  • Children are capable of so much more than we give them credit for. They can get dressed themselves and even help get their own breakfast and lunches. I keep all of our kid plates, cups, and silverware in a low cabinet so the kids can reach them.

5. Talk less

  • The more we talk, the less our kids listen. When you are ready to leave, use one word phrases like, “Shoes.”, “Car.”, etc.

What would you add to my list to help keep your morning running smooth? Are you a morning person or is this just a daydream for you?

When it comes to our kids having a smooth morning, we have morning jobs that they each do. When they were smaller we kept a list on the wall in the hallway to help them remember what they were. We read them so often that even if they couldn't read, they knew them by heart. You can also print a sheet for each child to post in their room or laminate them so that they can cross each item off as they do it.

DOWNLOAD it HERE.1b9defb6e1d01b6d52aec7d87b016c7094c52675.jpg

If you'd like to make your own list, here's a blank copy of the printable that you can print out and adjust to your need.





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