You cannot make people like you or treat you right.
You cannot act or think your way into receiving love, compassion, acceptance, empathy, kindness or attention from another.
Don't waste another moment of your precious time trying to concoct a plan that will get someone else to do what you want them to do or be who you want them to be.
You just aren't that powerful.
So, simply let go.
Deep breathes.
Release your attachment to him or her or the outcome.
Enjoy right now.
Don’t let the future scare you out of the moment.
Look at your feet. Be where they are.
Fu*$ tomorrow—say it with me, “Fu*$ tomorrow.”
It isn’t promised anyways, you know.
Thank God for the moment.
For your health.
For those who choose you and love you and show up for you and make you feel like the amazing soul you are.
Love them.
Thank them.
Give them your time and your thoughts and your heart.
And when you feel yourself grasping too tightly, holding on to that which is not yours (because you will)… release your grip and feel the burden lighten.
You can’t change them.
You can’t control them.
Let go. One finger at a time if you must, but let go.
Freedom will soon follow.
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