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Challenge: Perfectly Imperfect Parenting

Adoption Day!

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I would never have imagined in my wildest dreams that my life would look like this.

In high school I was voted “most likely to succeed” and thought I would have a booming entrepreneurial business, be married and have kids by age 27.

In college, I changed my projected age for marriage and kids and thought maybe the kids and husband would come sooner.

Then, college passed right by me, and so did age 27. My singleness loomed, the career started, and no husband pursued, so I kept waiting and living, and not getting any younger.

The call to foster care hit me upside the head after years of working as an advocate for adoptive and foster children. I knew that “one day” would come and I’d be a foster parent and adopt (and, of course, I’d be happily married to my prince charming-and rich too!) But, when that “one day” was right in the middle of my busy world of travel, ministry, and singlehood, I just had to do a double take, close my eyes and dive straight in.

I’d take one child. How hard could it be? Then, parenthood greeted me after one easy “YES” from a phone call from my foster care placement agency. I mean, I didn’t have stretch marks, morning sickness, or have to buy maternity clothes, and yet, I got the honor of being a MOM! So, I dove in to the parent visits, caseworkers, medical appointments, diaper changes, up half the night single mommy life and the wild adventure of foster care. And, I loved it!

One child became two, two became three, and then three—well, three became four. I was single and a mom of 4 kids! Like a slow heating pot reaching boiling point–my love and bandwidth to care for children slowly expanded to a roaring boil.

My first placement, a little 3 month old baby girl stole my heart at first glance and when I knew she was adoptable, I adopted her.

How was this single woman, who had once stated she would never foster or adopt without a man by my side, now a full-time forever mommy to a beautiful baby girl!? I imagined the first baby adoption was a unicorn (a one-in-a-million rarity) and since I had already achieved perfection with her, I secretly believed my marriage life had to be right around the corner. I expected Mr. Wonderful would come riding in on a white horse to whisk me (and my baby) off into the sunset. And, together we would foster and adopt more children.

Then, 7 months ago, in the middle of Covid-19 (and still single), my oldest foster love suggested she and I pray together from Sunday to Sunday in expectation of a surprise blessing for our family. So, we prayed. Sunday rolled around, and nothing seemed to come from our fervent prayers. But, 3 days later, when my phone rang everything I had felt that past week became ever so clear. A call for an infant baby girl. Of course my answer was yes. And as God would have it, the baby I had just invited into my home, was born on the last day we prayed.

A few weeks in to fostering the sweet newborn, the birth mom asked me to adopt the baby. Though that isn’t the typical foster care story, last Friday she became my forever daughter.

I wanted to share some pictures of our special adoption day and parade and introduce to you— baby Eisley Lorel Hope Goodnight.

  • image0-2.jpeg?w=1024Thank you Fostering Hope for this amazing yard sign on our special day!
  • mm_1803-copy.jpg?w=683Isn’t she lovely?
  • hcp99270-202102191-3-1-1.jpg?w=722Momma loves her baby girl!
  • hcp99344-202102191-copy.jpg?w=643Thank you Hello Click Photography for Capturing the Parade!
  • hcp99003-202102191-2.jpg?w=683My oldest with my baby– the sweetest moments!

As an adoption present, days after I adopted Eisley, a friend started a Go Fund Me to help my family purchase an SUV/Mini-Van for our growing family (because, well, I don’t own a vehicle!). Thank you so much to Sarah for setting this up and to each of you who’ve played a role in sharing the page and donating. You are making this “Adoption Day” an extra, extraordinary day!

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