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Challenge: Keeping Your Cool

All families fight, but healthy families rally

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We had a day today.

The kids and I.

The mid-week mads, perhaps?

Parenting on your period, I'm sure it played a role.

The realization that this e-learning shiitake is for real,
and that we've all got to be really focused or the sh*t will hit the fan,

likely during a zoom,
and one of the kids will unmute themselves just in time to yell a curse word they didn't learn from me.

Whatever the reason, today wasn't the smoothest.

Not the rockiest either,
so "Yay!" for that,
but surely not a perfect picture day of educating from home.
Around 5 pm today, I cried.

I grabbed four slices of homemade pizza, told no one I was eating, heated my plate and sat with that bad boy nom nomming on it


I just needed a minute.

Okay, I needed five.

I needed 300 seconds to tune out from the ongoing noise that provides the soundtrack of my pandemic-plagued every day and the mini-humans who create it.

I love my little boogers more than life.

I'd do anything for them.

But I love myself, too, and sometimes, I've gotta do things for me, and tonight, well, that looked like having dinner alone and ignoring the chaos around me.

Everyone is fine now.

Them and me.

Funny how that works, right?

My misbehaving, constantly arguing monkeys have decided they want to get along, at least for the next few minutes, and I've let them have an evening swim.

I've poured myself a glass a wine, and I'm having a therapy session with my computer.

We had a day today, and truth be told, we have more

ill-behaving days than the latter.

But do you know what else we do?

We rally like a team of champions and keep on going,

AND WE ALWAYS WILL -- because that's what families do.

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