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Challenge: Extraordinary Teachers

Back to school bullies & I'm not talking about the kids.

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So this is probably your child’s first or second week back in school, can’t believe it right?! Your little angel is 1 year older and entering a new grade or just starting kindergarten. I have loved seeing all of the back to school pictures of all the children with their backpacks and cute little outfits. I have always loved school supply shopping but doing it for my own children took it to a whole other level. I. NEED. ALL. OF. IT. It is all a new and exciting experience for both you and your kids. Off your child goes into the world of public or private school, facing a whole new set of adventures they will never forget. (& with out mama and daddy). BYE, CRYING FOR LIFE.

Although there has been far more positive posts about back to school, I have seen some negative ones that really have struck a nerve with me. One post specifically that has been shared quite a few times and hopefully stops being shared soon. (insert eye roll) It is being called the “10 Easy ways to know you don’t belong in the school drop off line”. Now like I said before, this is literally the first or MAYBE second week of school for these kids. A mom is “ranting” about parents wanting to open the door for their kids, giving them a hug or a kiss goodbye, helping them with their backpack. Saying things like we have things to do and places to be and don’t have time to wait for you to show affection to your child, do that crap at home, get out of the freaking way, these parents are inconsiderate and should be rammed from behind. or share lovely pictures such as this:

nice right? I mean who is the jerk here? Let’s be serious. WHAT kind of world are we living in?! Are we just supposed to be a bunch of assholes with no emotional attachment to our children, throw them out on the curb in the morning and hope for the best. No hug or kiss or really any interaction at all. Do that crap at home and move on. Describing those children as “snowflakes” or a “wussy” or oh wait here is a good one “little prince”. Awesome. Asking questions like “do you really need to see your little darling all the way to the entrance of the school doors?” or “Need to put your car in park?, well that means go to the parking lot”

Well let me be the mother of all snowflakes when I say. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I do need to watch my kid to the school door, I do want to get out and give him a hug and kiss, and YEP it may take a couple of minutes to get my kid out of the car and off to school for the day. GET OVER YOURSELF. This world is a scary place and to be spreading such negativity around about parents being affectionate or friendly in the pickup line is a bit disturbing. How dare you call them names and mock them for wanting to make sure their child makes it to the school door safely. This is all very unfamiliar for some parents and definitely for the children, most if not all of them are probably experiencing some serious anxiety and nervousness this time of year. Your life is not so important that you can’t give your child one last hug in the drop off line if they want it and you certainly should never be criticized for making sure your child gets in the door safely. I am here to say that no parent should feel like they should treat the pickup/drop off line like some sort of warehouse assembly line of kids in backpacks, being picked off the conveyor belt and rushed to the next spot.

Do I think that the line should be full of chaos and children running around outside the car or hair fixing and finish dressing in the front seat while everyone waits behind. no of course not. BUT for goodness sakes show some love, patience and gratitude for your child, your child’s education and for the fact that you even have a car are able to drop them off at a school. Don’t worry parents I’ve got your back, give your baby (yes baby- elementary, middle or high school) an extra kiss in the morning, watch him enter those school doors with his backpack on, and give a friendly wave to those teachers taking care of them all day.

ALSO- this will be short and sweet. Complaining about the amount of school supplies your child is needing this year. CAN WE NOT. First of all our teachers deserve WAY more money than they are actually getting and the school supplies are strictly for our children’s education. For them to learn, create, write, draw, listen, explore. I don’t think the teachers are hoarding 12 glue sticks to take them home and glue a bunch of personal projects, definitely not. It is for your child and all of the children to learn and have the best education and experience they can get.

So it sounds like “those” parents are the ones that don’t belong in the pick up line, it sounds like they need to put their kids on the bus. So that way they have lots of free time in the morning, to focus on themselves and how much of an asshole they are going to be that day.

#stopbeingassholes #snowflakemomandproud


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