7 years ago, my daughter was born with congenital heart disease and needed open heart surgery at 3 days old... that was the first time my inner Mother Warrior came out. We lined up the very best team of doctors at CHLA and after 14 days in the CTICU we got to take her home. That first few years were consumed with specialist doctors appts, check-ups and a whole lotta worry. Today, she is an active, fierce little lady who loves to sing and dance along to Trolls and Moana!
But for the past 6 months, I've had to channel my inner Mother Warrior again. My daughter's ADHD has proven to make school impossibly challenging for my brave little lady. Even with an extensive IEP in place these past few years, we were at a loss... when I applied for this game changing 10 week program, she was denied coverage because it was not in-network with our mental healthy insurance. For months, I fought and pushed, clocking 50-80 hrs a week for months, being rejected or rerouted every other call I'd make... all the while getting calls from her school every other day about her struggles.
I submitted a ton of data and research linking ADHD to cardiac surgery in children born with CHDs which allowed me to prove medical necessity. Insurance finally agreed to cover this program in-network. And last week, my daughter graduated from this 10 week program that has been life saving. My husband and I were trained on how to mange home life and day to day struggles as well as her aides and teachers at school were trained on different behavior and learning strategies. Total game changer!
In 7 short years, my little girl has had to fight to survive surgeries and various medical procedures, more than most will face in their entire lifetime. She struggles with all the challenges that come with ADHD... yet she still fights and faces each battle head on.
Being a Mother Warrior and my daughter's advocate is my proudest achievement. She inspires and challenges me everyday. She is my hero and I am her Mother Warrior.
Lucy Riles
Life of Mom Co-Founder
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