I've cleaned poop out of the carpet, applied chapstick to the lips of Mr. Potato Head at the request of a screaming toddler, fixed three different things for breakfast, gave the baby a bath, yelled at Alexa because she wasn't playing the right song (again for a crying toddler), and started a load of laundry.
All this before 8 a.m.
All of this BEFORE coffee!
There are a million little things I do that nobody will ever see, except maybe the Ring doorbell if we're on the front porch. And that's ok.
Yes, it's overwhelming, isolating, and down right CRAZY. So I decided to celebrate myself today. I'm going to take the time to recognize the stuff that no one else sees. I'm going to celebrate the way I love my kids before 8 a.m.
Okay, now time for my coffee!
Don't forget to celebrate yourself today!
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