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Challenge: Raising Kind Kids

Cell phones and kids.. Just say No!

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Dear fellow moms of tweens,

I may receive a lot of dislikes for what I'm about to say, but I'm a big girl.
Please, for the love of baby Jesus, please stop buying your little kids cell phones!
There is absolutely no way they can benefit from this. It is not about cost, because that is not the issue. It's about trying to preserve their young innocent selves for as long as we possibly can. I will not be sending my girls to your house for a sleepover if your daughter, under the age of 16 has a cell phone. Wanna know why? Well because I think girls are mean. I do not want my child getting dressed, or sleeping, and your kid with the phone takes a picture and sends it to people or posts it on social media. And speaking of social media why in the name of all that is holy must we permit our young daughters to be on Facebook, snapchat, Instagram, and Twitter. My daughter will not be partaking in social media until she is responsible enough to remember to feed the dog and not misplace her glasses.
Yes I do have a daughter who's on social media. However she was 17 before she had an iPhone and 17 before she joined them. Do I know this for sure, you ask.. Yes I do. I have 5 kids and it is my job to police them until they turn 18. This does not mean I'm a helicopter mom, because that couldn't be further from the truth! They wear clothes that are sniffed for cleanliness, mismatched socks and run a brush thru their hair before leaving for school. I do not know their home room numbers, or other parents names in the school, but I know one thing.. They will not have an iPhone.

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