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Challenge: Parenting Resolutions


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Each year, we select a word, a phrase or a description of what we want to achieve in the next 365 days. We had 'stop talking, start doing' when we needed to get things done. We had the word 'fix' in 2017 because we physically had to fix things around the house and mentally fix our minds on some things.

This year, the phrase came to us when one of our daughters described an interaction she had at PE in school. During a game, one of the boys in her class didn't follow the rules and she went over to him and said 'Chillax Ethan.' Since that day, we've used the phrase countless times.

When I'm watching a Baylor basketball game and yelling a bit too loudly at the television, my family will say 'chillax Ethan.'

When my husband is hurriedly trying to get everyone out the door for school, I think to myself 'chillax Ethan.'

When we are rushing or frenetic or overly upset about something outside of our control, we say out loud 'chillax Ehan.'

The saying made it on to our holiday cards and it's become a catch phrase among my friends at work, too.

Because we are a busy family, we can lose sight of the present. We can get wrapped up in accomplishing tasks. We can move too fast.

Chillax Ethan helps us pause and laugh.

It puts us in the moment and reminds us we need to stay focused on the important.

2018 . . . our year to #chillaxethan.

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