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Dear sons: This is how real young men use their hands

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The news right now is absolutely heart-wrenching. And it's not just news for many people- it's hell on earth for those living the nightmare. Young men are destroying the gift of life God created - in bars, schools, neighborhoods, churches, Walmart, and more. They're murdering the innocent with their very own hands. It is saddening. It is sickening. It is pure evil.


These are the days you're growing up in, son. It breaks my heart, and I want you to know how serious it is that you be a young man who uses his hands wisely and carefully. That you will be a young man who understands that your actions have consequences. That the choices you make matter not only to you but to others.

Please hear me. You've been called to so much more. You are a young man with responsibilities, talents, and gifts. How you use your hands means everything. How you use your hands can set the very course of your whole entire life.

Real young men use their hands to build up, and not tear down.

When you see others using their hands to abuse, intimidate, bully, or attempt to kill the life of another, don't coward in fear but confront the terror and fight for those who can't help themselves. Use your hands to be a strong defender amid chaos and despair.

Real young men use their hands to persevere.

No man will ever be perfect. What's important is that you're falling forward, you're persevering through trials, conflict, adversity, blood, sweat, and tears. You're not allowing life's let-downs and disappointments to keep you down, but you're pushing through the aches and pains.


Real young men stretch out their hands to help another and ask for help themselves.

You will need help sometimes. It's okay to ask for it. At some point in your life, you will be in the right place at the right time and it will be up to you to make a difference. People will need your strong hands, wisdom, and tender heart. They'll need someone to follow who is choosing the right way. Show them where to go.

Real young men use their hands to create, dream, and inspire.

God gave you hands to work them diligently. Use them to dream big goals. Don't settle for small-minded thinking. Use your hands to create a masterpiece and a better life for someone else. Use them to inspire the hurting and broken world around you.

"Deceit fills hearts that are plotting evil; joy fills hearts that are planning peace." - Prov 12:20

I love you so much,


Samantha Krieger is a pastor’s wife and mom to 4. She is the author of Quiet Time: A 30-day Devotional Retreat for Moms in the Trenches. You can connect with her on Instagram and Facebook.

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