Someone once told me that even a broken clock is right twice a day and it has stuck with me ever since.
It's true. Even a clock stuck at 3:45 is going to be right twice that day - once at 3:45AM and then again at 3:45PM.
But, those two right minutes don't mean that the clock is reliable or believable.
Guess what?
Your anxiety, depression, and whatever negative voice you have clunking around your head are exactly the same.
They are broken clocks.
Sometimes, they might be right. Sometimes that thing you are anxious about happens. Sometimes you do mess up. Sometimes that negative thought about yourself is true.
But, even a broken clock is right twice a day.
Your anxiety, depression, and negative inner voice are just broken clocks. Don't let those few moments when they are correct fool you.
Treat them like you would a broken clock and don't believe the lies it tells you.
Don't trust a broken clock.
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