We are all so guilty of saying that we will do something tomorrow, but what if tomorrow never comes? Today I want to encourage you to start something new today. This may include eating better, working out, changing your hair, or calling a friend.
I want you to find your happy place, your satisfaction, and your place of contentment now. Don’t wait until you have a boyfriend to plan a weekend getaway. Don’t wait until you lose weight to go shopping. Live the life you want today by enjoying the things that you love doing today.
Do you want to start a business? Yes, that takes finances, and accumulating that necessary amount may take some time, but you can begin writing your business plan today. In the meantime plan, pray, and research. Today is the perfect day to do whatever you want to do.
I love this quote from Joyce Meyer. God loves us. God created us with talents and he gives our little minds the ability to do big things. I believe that if it doesn’t go against the will of God, doesn’t harm others or yourself, do it!
Don’t wait until you are married to buy your first home. Build or buy your own home when you are ready. You and your future husband can always move. Don’t wait until you are size 6 to wear a bikini. Bikini’s come in a variety of sizes, cuts, and fabrics to fit a variety of shapes and sizes. Don’t wait until you stop intentionally sinning to give your life to Jesus. Give your life to him today. He died to forgive you of all of your sins.
Today, I want you to be free from all of the restraints and boundaries that others have put on you and that you have placed on yourself. Live your life now!
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