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Challenge: What Do Fathers Do Best?

Father's Day

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I have been a single father for the past eight years. What I have learned during this period of time is priceless. I never intended on being a single parent but I have accepted the challenge and I I beyond grateful for what it is taught me. The one lesson I can share with everyone is quite simple: Get Involved with everything. I know, I know, we all work (I have tow jobs) but you need to find a way. I have been involved with the PTO since my oldest was in 3rd grade (he is now entering the tenth grade). Being involved not only allows me to see what is happening in their lives but it teaches my children the lesson of community. My daughter just received the citizenship award at her elementary school and she told me; "you do so much Dad and now I do too". That was a proud parenting moment.


Ed Peisner

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