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Challenge: Ultimate Baby Registry

Five Items for Any Adoption Registry

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Adopting a child is so exciting and I’ve heard people are hesitant to create an adoption registry before being matched and waiting for placement. It’s a good idea to shop now for your adopted infant or child, and it can even help you stay excited during the wait. Of course, all adoption situations are different, but here are 5 items that I recommend that are perfect for any infant adoption registry. After all, there are things that every baby will need no matter the gender or age.

Car Seat Adoption Registry Car Seatir?t=jennyhonrud-20&l=am2&o=1&a=B00MS9VTG0

If you own a car or plan to ever transport your child, you are going to need a car seat. I’m sure there are huge debates about safety, price, features, and type of car seat so picking one out can be rather a chore or you can make it into an adventure. Personally, I went with safety and price and got the Chicco KeyFit 30, but there are lots of budget-friendly and budget-busting options that you might prefer.(affiliate link) For the researchers: check out ratings and reviews. For the trendsetters: check out celebrity baby blogs. For more advice on picking out a car seat, check out the Pregnant Chicken's post about finding the best infant car seat.

Adoption Registry Crib Crib

Ok, so cribs are a totally personal choice and while I love my white Jenny Lind crib you may love your portable play crib because of the versatility. But, really, the baby is going to have to sleep somewhere so finding that place before you get a baby isn’t such a bad idea. Just like with car seats, there are so many options to choose from. I suggest picking something that gets the job done. Finding something that fits your style, sets a certain vibe, or is handmade are just personal preferences and don’t actually help your baby sleep better. While you’re at it, pick out some crib sheets and a mattress pad. (affiliate link)

Adoption Registry Gift Cards Gift Cards

Stocking up on certain baby items like clothes or diapers might not be a great idea if you are adopting because you just don’t know what you’re going to get. All those tiny newborn size diapers and onesies are so cute, but they won’t work if you bring home a 10-pound baby. What will come in handy are gift cards to buy the items you need once you know you need them. Add gift cards to your adoption registry for your favorite places to shop for baby things (like Baby Gap), and hopefully, you’ll have loads of fun shopping. (affiliate link)

Professional Services

I’m totally going to encourage the use of professional services such as house cleaners, meal providers, and even yard service. Feeling overwhelmed after bringing a baby home is probably nothing new. Taking care of the baby might be a top priority, but so many other things don’t get taken care of because all the focus is on the baby. Don’t get me wrong, life goes on and nobody really cares if the lawn gets mowed, but having it done will just give you peace of mind. Adding professional services to your adoption registry is a great idea for the long-distance gift giver, or some of your friends might sign themselves up to provide the service. Having practical needs met after having a baby are some of the best gifts.

Adoption Go Bag Adoption Registry Go Bag

Having a small bag of items ready for your baby is super fun to assemble and helps you prepare mentally. Here are some ideas that you can get ready ahead of time by putting them on your registry, and I just put everything in an athletic bag that I can use as a carry-on at the airport. What’s in the bag is totally up to you, but I added a couple gender neutral sleepers and onesies, a baby blanket, pacifier, hair bow if it’s a girl, swaddle, and some cute clothes for pictures or taking the baby home from the hospital (thank you Target clearance section). Personally, I like this part, as it is going to set the vibe for the first couple days with your baby. (affiliate link)

Making an adoption registry can be just as fun as any other registry, so have fun and don’t rush the process! Also, don’t buy anything just because somebody says you should.

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