You were pregnant, gave birth and are staring in awe.
Congrats! Girl, you had a baby.
You’re wearing mesh underwear with an ice pack down there.
Not cute. Girl, you had a baby.
You survived cluster feeding and your first rough night of many.
You’ll be OK. Girl, you had a baby.
Your newborn fell fast asleep on your chest.
Shhhhh. Girl, you had a baby.
You’re in your PJ’s at noon and have not brushed your teeth.
Relax. Girl, you had a baby.
You realized that nursing is So. Much. Work.
You can do it! Girl, you had a baby.
You wish them asleep and want them awake when they are.
It’s a real problem. Girl, you had a baby.
You smell their head, touch their skin and play with their toes.
I know, they’re beautiful. Girl, you had a baby.
You pee when you sneeze and it happens a lot.
Join the club. Girl, you had a baby.
You’re crying in the shower and don’t really know why.
Believe me, it’s normal. Girl, you had a baby.
You want a full eight hours in a hotel room ALONE.
Me too. Girl, you had a baby.
You wonder how you haven’t eaten them yet.
#thighrollsfordays. Girl, you had a baby.
Your bounce back feels more like a very slow crawl.
Yup. I feel you. Girl, you had a baby.
Your life has never been so hard or so sweet.
That’s true. Girl, you had a baby.
You feel alone and aren’t sure if what you’re doing is right.
Me neither, I swear. Girl, you had a baby.
You want time to stand still and speed up all at once.
Breathe. Girl, you had a baby.
You have date nights on the couch and are in bed by nine.
Zzzzzz. Girl, you had a baby.
You didn’t know you could love this hard or this fast.
Well, you did. Girl, you had a baby.
You need to know,
However tired you may be,
You’re a Mom,
You’re amazing.
Girl, you had a baby.
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