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Challenge: Bringing Home Baby: What Do You Wish You’d Known?

Having a C-section isn't really giving birth

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​My son was born via an emergency Cesarean birth. I had no contractions, no laboring... nothing. As a single parent, I had spent a lot of time preparing myself mentally for birth and delivery. A woman's body is designed to bare a child and I had made peace and embraced that biological gift.  When being prepped for the C-section, there was nothing that reminded me of all the preparation I had done to give birth, it was all very surgical and impersonal. I joke often that "I didn't have him, he was removed" because quite literally, it was a "baby-ectomy". I wish that I had prepared better for the possibility of a C-section, and I wish that the birth had been more of a "gentle C-section" that is growing in popularity for this very reason.  Have a cesarean delivery is just as important as a traditional delivery, for those out there who feel robbed ( like me) don't! your body did an amazing thing and enjoy the little one that you created! (just to end on a happy note, My son was born healthy and happy and is now a budding kindergartener!)

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