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Homeschooling During Covid-19

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So Summer is over, but we are still living in the pandemic and its time for school to start, what are you going to do? Well, I would suggest, you create a plan for the upcoming new school year and our new normal of virtual education.

I am the mother of two children, I have a 13 year old girl and a 14 year old boy. I understood how important consis- tency was for both of them and when their school year ended rapidly March 2019 because of Covid-19, I came up with a plan to maintain consistency and keep education first in our home.

I created, "Richardson School of Arts" (pretend school), I created a schedule based upon the school district schedule that included, physical education, breaks, lunch time and six periods. This allowed for me to have a consistent work day without interruption and it allowed the kids to be responsible to start and stop each course, break and lunch at the specified time.

I created calendar appointments on my calendar with each course time, to make sure they were following the schedule as outlined. Although they hate to admit it, children love consistency and grave structure, even when they don't believe that its necessary.

As the parents, we are now required to pivot and constantly learn new technology and ways to be productive, after-all, Zoom is the closest relationship that I have these days. It is just as important that we teach our children the importance of bobbing and weaving and making changes as we go.

Nothing is as it once was, and it perhaps will never be again, However, preparing our kids for the possibility of what could be and their future, just may be the greatest thing we have ever done and our finest hour as parents.

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