I had a rough delivery, I was in a lot of pain. My husband, who had little to no experience with babies, let alone a newborn, AMAZED me by how he swooped in and took over.
He was my rock. When we were realized and got home, I was petrified. What were we supposed to do now, they just let us walk right out with this child. He just calmed me down and said to relax, which of course I didn't but it did help.
Our first night was a nightmare, my milk had not come in and the baby was hungry, I was a wreck! At the pediatrician visit the next day we were informed our little nugget had jaundice and we needed to go to the hospital for an overnight treatment under the lights. Again, I was a wreck. My husband called all of our family and talked to them at length, something I could not do. I always thought I was good under pressure, but not when it is my brand spanking new baby!!
He amazes me every day. He is in the military and during 2013 he was away for 6 weeks at Officer Training School, and was gone for 8 months in 2014 to continue that training. It was like a HUGE piece of our family was missing.
I was never happier to see him the day he returned right before Christmas. He is so great with our son, and our son missed him so much while he was away.
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