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How I Spent Money to Save Money

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I know at first, that headline doesn’t make much sense, but believe me, it does! And why wouldn’t you believe me? I’m a random guy on the internet – absolutely solid credentials right there!

While my aforementioned ‘credentials’ might not mean much, what does is the fact that I’ve been a particularly frugal person my whole life – yet I make sure I never go without. I don’t like spending money where I don’t have to, and I’m also not afraid to splash some cash if I think it’s going to be beneficial to me in the long run, and the four points I’m about to share with you were just that. Beneficial.

Ditch the Car

That’s if you have a car, and it’s not absolutely essential to your life. And I know what you’re thinking: “That’s not spending money, that’s making money! You’ve lied to us from the start” Well, one, my parents gave me my car, so they took it straight back, and two, I bought a bike! And it is one of my all time top purchases. I wanted a good one, so I spend a couple hundred on it, but it’s paid for itself in savings – petrol, insurance, parking, maintenance. And it’s also so healthy for you; I’ve lost weight, feel healthier and I’m now considering entering the Tour de France as a result. Okay, that last part might be a lie, but the rest is definitely true.

Buy in Bulk

I used to be the ‘once a week’ shopper, and while it allowed me to have a lavish choice in what I had for my meals, it was costing me more than it should have been. I crunched the numbers one night and decided that I could be shopping a whole lot better. Buying in bulk saves me money straight off the bar – now obviously don’t buy things like fresh fruit in bulk, that’s ridiculous. Who needs 46 rotten bananas in your kitchen? No one, that’s who. But buying tinned goods, rice and most importantly ingredients has not only saved me money, but allowed me to gain much needed culinary improvements.

Have the correct bank accounts

I always just had a plain old bank account; nothing fancy about it. What I also had was various insurances for my mobile phone, my tablet etc and while these didn’t cost an arm and a leg, they still cost money – and I was losing track! There are modern banking accounts that can help you around this. They help you track where and when you’re spending, so you can cut back and save. If you have went a little overboard, there are also financial guides out there to help you manage your debt.

Go Green

If you sat down and tallied up how much that you’ve actually spent on, for example light bulbs over the years, you might be in for a shock. Energy efficient light bulbs, though pricier, are definitely the way forward! They literally last years. It’s not just light bulbs, there is a wide range of energy efficient appliances, washing machines etc that you can buy that will save you a bundle on electricity bills over time.

I guess the morale of the story here is to look at every aspect of your life – chances are there is going to be a way in which you can change in order to save yourself some money, even if you have to spend a little to being with.

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