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How Sigurd Vedal is Using His Pain Points to Build Better Family Relationships

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What turbulence have you had in life? What have been your pain points? How did you handle them? Did you come out stronger or weaker?

Sigurd Vedal went through the thick and thin, he had turbulence and pain points. He bowed but did not crumble. He became a role model, a coach, and he is using his experience to help in building a better family relationship for you and me.

Who is Sigurd Vedal?

Sigurd Vedal was born in 1971, to a Norwegian father and American mother, in Kansas City, Missouri, USA. He is an American-Norwegian tech entrepreneur, successful multi-business owner, investor, and CEO of Vedal Media Group.

With an awe-inspiring 35-year career behind his name, and having created several prosperous businesses with his own two hands – he continues to generate millions of euros for himself, every single year. It naturally follows that he has molded and acquired a colorful array of knowledge, tools, and philosophies over the years.

Vedal’s pain points

Looking at the successful story of Vedal, you may be tempted to believe that he did not pass through hard times. Quite unlike a lot of influential people who were born with the silver spoon, Vedal had his own fair share of turbulence in life.

Vedal got his first job at Penny Lane Productions as a commercial sound engineer. In his 20’s, he was all about writing hit songs, analyzing the tops charts to figure out how top hits became top hits, producing beats, and recording vocals with two of his friends, all these he was doing while still working his day job on commercials at Penny Lane.

As a young man full of zest, he met Mona his heartthrob at the age of 20 and they bought their first apartment together. 1998, wasn’t one of the best years in Vedal’s life.

It was the year he was evicted from the building complex he was using for his music business, lost his job, and Mona quit. All these events were enough to break anybody.

As if all that happened were not enough, in the Christmas of 2009, Sigurd’s father who was his greatest source of inspiration died from cancer he had been battling all along. The story of life may not always be what you expect, Sigurd and Mona got back again and became married but in 2015, another turbulence came up, after 22 years together, they were divorced.

Building better family relationships

The story of Vedal today is that of a very successful businessman, but that didn’t come without hard work. And what is more? Instead of allowing the pain points he experienced in life to break him, Vedal has decided to use what he learned from the whole journey to build better family relationships.

One sour part of our lives today is broken homes and the attendant juvenile delinquencies. Professor Raymond Bell, who chairs counseling psychology, school psychology, and special education at Lehigh University, in the lecture "Violence and Vandalism in the Community: Causes and Costs" was reported to have said that 70 percent of inmates come from broken homes.

Also “The Effects of Family Structure on Juvenile Delinquency,” says that children from divorced homes have higher rates of delinquency (status offenses, crimes against persons, felony theft, general delinquency, tobacco, and drug use) compared to children from intact homes, with the exception of alcohol use.

These are facts that should concern any right-thinking person and Sigurd decided to effect changes and, therefore, came up with VictoriaMilan - a dating site for married and attached people looking for an affair as a way of reducing broken homes. In the two years that followed, Sigurd expanded VictoriaMilan throughout Europe, Eastern Europe, the USA, Canada, and Australia.

Since people were in dire need of such a program, it was not a surprise that in the first 4 years, over 5 million users had signed up to VictoriaMilan. This particular project was an eye-opener to Sigurd in what could be done in the area of trying to bring joy and happiness to homes.

NextLove was launched. This new brand was positioned as a dating site for divorced and single parents looking to date this project was meant to be a forum for bringing dejected people together for another chance at starting all over again.

Sigurd did not just delve into this as a novice, it took him about five years of working with some of the world’s leading relationship experts to crack the code on how love match-making really works and he gained some invaluable insights into psychology, love, sex, and communication. He had finally learned the secret of how love and building a happy home worked.

The interesting thing is that he learned all the tools he uses the hard way, his relationship coaching have been self-learned. They are all based on his massive drive to fully understand and formulate how love and passion in a relationship work.

All of his knowledge has been gained through research, reading psychology and relationship books on a weekly basis, and collaborating with the world’s top relationship experts. The coaching all started in 2017 when a couple, who were friends of Sigurd’s, reached out to him when they were struggling on the brink of divorce.

Sigurd successfully succeeded in assisting to reignite their love and passion for one another. His success in this endeavor buoyed him into MarriageBooster in 2017. Sigurd’s newfound joy is to educate the world about how love truly works, and how to solve the problem of infidelity and thereby, building better family relationships.

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