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How To Protect Your Kids From Adverse Effect Of Pesticides

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Pesticides are mainly used in many products and these pesticides are not good for the health of children’s as they effect in many ways. But there are many measures that parents can adopt to protect their children from poisoning effect of pesticides in their living room.

The research made by Australian Academy of Pediatrics states that use of pesticides in the house during the pregnancy period of women leads to increase the risk of fetal death and low birth weight of the children. The more use of pesticides without any preventive measures also caused learning problems and cancer disease in newborn babies.

Pesticides Mainly Effect Kids At High Risk

There are higher chances of risk that pesticide will affect kid’s health than adults, as internal organs of children are still in developing stage. Because parents know that children love to put their hands in their mouth and surely these hands are applied on floors where pesticides are used. Kids also use to crawl on floors and grass where might have chances of pesticides.

These pesticides do not lead to affect the health of children at once but may affect the process of child growth.

Poison Used In Pesticide

Most of the pesticide includes poisons which can be easily absorbed through skin, mouth or by breathing. Parents should take preventive measures while applying pesticide in the house as you or your kids can be poisoned with its chemical. Preventive measures are adopted by government of different countries by removing high toxic pesticides from stores. But still many cases have been reported each year regarding pesticide poisoning.

Symptoms Of Pesticide Poisoning

At initial the symptoms of pesticides poisoning look like flu, Headaches, Weakness, difficulty in breathing and fever. So, if one of your kids showing these symptoms after you has done pesticide spray in the house. Call the doctor immediately to control the impact of poisoning in children.

Measures That Parents Should Adapt To Reduce Chances Of Pesticide Poisoning

For a healthy environment for kids it is necessary to provide them variety of energetic food. Parents should keep a watch on children that they should wash fruits and vegies before start eating. This will eliminate chances of any pesticide effect remaining of the surface of fruit or vegetable. Keep pesticides spray and chemicals away from the range of children and never put these chemicals in a food container that it could be looks like a food or drink to children. You should also put the bath and kitchen cleaner bleach, insect killer, roach spray, rat killer, flea and shampoo away from kids.

Before applying pesticides in house, read instructions carefully provided on the label first and follow the instructions before using it. Carefully follow the precautions and directions provided on the label to protect your kids from its poison. Try to use non-toxic and chemical free pesticides products to eliminate bugs and other common household problems. You can also store the food in the refrigerator to get help in this situation. These measures should follow to avoid health problems in kids.

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