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HPV Vaccine and Cervical Cancer: Why Women Are Not Protecting Themselves

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These days women are not taking cervical cancer seriously which is why they are declining the idea of taking HPV vaccination. But, this vaccination is widely available and safe for its efficacy against HPV (Human Papillomavirus). But recently the rate of vaccination is quite lower and both physicians and the patients are equally responsible for this.

Physicians and clinicians are not encouraging the people to take HPV vaccine. On the other hand, people think that they are over vaccinated thus declining the idea of taking this vaccination. Even parents are blamed for not taking their kids to get vaccinated for HPV which increase the chance of getting infected in the future.

HPV vaccine and cervical cancer

Before delving into the issue of blame, one should know the crucial facts of HPV and cervical cancer:

  • Cervical Dysplasia and warts are the prime things caused by HPVs. There are about 100 strains of HPV which can lead to cervical cancer if left untreated for a long period of time. HPV is a STD that affects mainly women and some percentages of men too. Although cervical cancer is the most usual cancer type affected women from HPV. However it can also cause vaginal and vulvar cancer (rarely).
  • Apart from throat cancer, men also get infected with penile, perianal and anal cancer due to severe HPV infection. HPV also results in a high percentage of neck and head cancers as well. Both boys and girls are influenced to get the vaccination once they reach 11-12 prior to become active sexually. Even the vaccination is approvable for the kids of around 9 years of age.
  • The prime motto of offering this vaccination is to attack the cancer-causing HPV strains regularly and resists them from occurring cancer.
  • HPV strains 18 and 16 are the main culprit of resulting cancer. Other strains promote your body to get infected with the cervical cancer.
  • Doctors are responsible for the low rate of HPV vaccination

According to the leading medical experts, doctors are mainly responsible for not vaccinating the children once they reach at certain age. Physicians have an integral role to play for influencing the children to get vaccinated for HPV. Gynaecologists are not the administrators of this vaccination which somehow impact the rate of vaccination in young girls.

Even their parents may take the necessary vaccinations only and that’s why they can’t understand its importance. But as HPV vaccinations become widely available at the primary care physicians, family physicians and paediatricians, you can come to know about its significance. Moreover, whenever you will visit to any doctor they start discussing its significance once they determine that you have reached the vaccination age.

Also physician assistants and nurse practitioners will also recommend the patients to take the HPV vaccination. Only a responsible medical community can help in promoting in better health community by insisting the people to take HPV vaccine to stay protected.

People are also responsible for not protecting themselves

Sometimes people are also responsible for not getting the HPV vaccination. Physicians and clinicians only offer the advice but cannot force any individual to heed it and get vaccinated. Generally people start feeling over vaccination because since their childhood, they have to receive a number of vaccinations for chicken pox and hepatitis.

Even some parents are not likely to take their children for vaccination as well. Background concerns also influence the people to step back from the HPV vaccine. The nature of HPV is also another concern; as it is a sexually acquired infection the kids aged between 9 and 12 are not physically active. That’s why parents don’t want to take their kids for vaccination.

But the parents of high school children are not aware that their kids are sexually active thus denying the idea of taking the HPV vaccination. However, with the help of the traditional Pap smear test a great percentage of cervical cancer can be prevented. In contrary to screening, vaccine performs much better. It is because HPV test never addresses perianal, anal, vulvar and vaginal cancers.

Ways to improve the rate of HPV vaccination

Education is the only way for overcoming this situation and improves the rate of HPV vaccination. Therefore, for most of the clinicians it must be the first priority instead of 12th or 13th. In fact, it has to be ensured that people starting from teenagers to adults receive all 3 doses of this vaccination. Women and men ranging from 19-26 should get the HPV vaccine.

In some countries like Australia, you will find the HPV vaccination rate is quite higher. It is so; because the physicians play their major role in sharing the importance of HPV vaccine to stay protected from cancer to the people. As a result, almost every people get vaccinated for HPV in this country to stay protected.

Therefore, once a person reaches the vaccination age, it must be taken by visiting the clinic of private HPV vaccine. It will protect the individual from most of the HPV strains mainly cancer-causing ones in the long haul. Women should take all 3 essential doses of HPV vaccination once they reach the recommendable age bar.

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