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Challenge: Parent Fails

I Accidentally Locked My Kid in the Car Leaving DayCare

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It was my first week back at work from maternity leave and I'd just picked up my son at our employer's daycare center right on my company's campus. After gathering all his stuff and getting out the door to start our drive home - and feeling pretty good I could juggle this working mom thing - I excitedly threw his stuff in the car, secured him in his car seat and went around to the driver's seat to head home. The problem was, i'd also left my keys in the diaper bag i'd thrown in - and the car door was locked. He seemed fine as I waved to him and went into a panic, screaming back toward the daycare center for help. I was in luck. I happened to work at one of the world's leading media technology companies, where security guards were everywhere. Within two minutes, two were at my car and a few seconds later, it was opened. My son was fine, just sucking away on his pacifier. Luckily, it was a mild September evening, so the car hadn't even gotten hot. I felt like a failure of a working mom - and vowed to never do it again (I didn't)!

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