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I am... Supermom!

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No one can prepare a mother, whether it's your first or your third, for how easy or hard these first days will be. From the recovery to the crying (from you and your little one) to the guilt you feel from trying to divide time among more than one sibling, to the exhaustion and overwhelming array of emotions as your body continues to go through constant changes physically, emotionally, and HORMONALLY!! And then there are the words that women have been made to feel ashamed to talk about... as if it's a failure for a woman to suffer from postpartum depression. Let me tell you... having realized what it was after I had suffered from it with my last... ANYTHING you are feeling overwhelmed about is NEVER a failure... if it's just the baby blues or full blown PPD... TALK to someone. I have made a point to be completely open with my husband and my mom and my closest friends about it this time. I am so very blessed for EVERYTHING God has given me and my family, but it is still okay if I have days where something is a little off... when I'm a little tired, or maybe even a little more stressed... it's called life. Just try and be transparent and not bottle it up inside. My husband reminded me once again I'm already a Supermom-- even if I'm not the best at breastfeeding, or I don't complete my whole to-do list, or if the kids go without a bath, or even if their dinner consists of what they found in the cabinets which may or may not include anything of sustainable nutritional value. But guess what, Mama?! You are a Supermom in my eyes!! And what I am CONSTANTLY reminding myself on the days I feel defeated, and what is most important of all, even if no one else understands... I am a Supermom in HIS eyes... and so are YOU!! Don't let the enemy slip in and tell you lies... and don't you dare let him steal your joy. These moments, even the exhausting overwhelming and downright hard ones are fleeting and one day you'll look back not only wanting to relive them but realizing how much every single one of them was worth it!

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