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I don't need to be the fun mom

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I don’t need to be the fun mom.

Or the cool mom.

Actually, that one is SO out, since I’ll never understand Tik Tok.

I don’t need to be the mom that always has the tidy home and a sink with no dishes in it. I don’t need to be the mom living a filtered Instagram or Pinterest life. I don’t need to be the mom that always stays on top of the laundry.

I don’t need to be the perfect mom.

No, I don’t need to be any of those things.

But, I do need to be the mom that will always love her children unconditionally. I need to be the mom that knows when it comes to her children, she is their mother first, and then their friend. I need to be the mom that will always fight for her children’s happiness, at whatever cost.

I need to be the mom that accepts the fact that asking for help, doesn’t make you weak. I need to be the mom that my children can always run to. I need to be the mom that my children will always feel comfortable talking to. I need to be the mom that understands that silence can be comfortable, even when it comes to our kids.

I need to be the mom that loves hard.

And loves fiercely.

I need to be the mom that asks questions, but doesn’t pry.

I need to be the mom that is patient and understanding. I need to be the mom that may not always agree with the choices my children make, but know that they must learn from their mistakes.

I need to be the mom that learns from my children, just as much as they learn from me.

I need to be the mom that lets her kids, be kids.


I need to be the mom that is trusting.

I need to be the mom that teaches her children that what makes us different is what makes us beautiful.

I need to be the mom that sometimes watches from the sidelines.

I need to be the mom that gives her children space, especially when they need it most.

I need to be the mom that is always a safe space.

I need to be the mom that will always leave a light on for her kids.

I need to be the mom that will always breathe a sigh of relief, knowing her children are safe and warm in their beds.

I need to be the mom that teaches compassion and empathy. I need to be the mom that teaches inclusivity and kindness. I need to be the mom that teaches generosity and civility.

I need to be the mom that can laugh at herself.

I need to be the mom that looks at herself in the mirror, and finds herself strikingly beautiful, even with age.

I need to be the mom that instills bravery in her children, and reinforces their ability to be anything they want to be.

I need to be the mom that raises her children to be respectful to anyone, and anything, on this planet.

I need to be the mom that knows there will be bad days and days where nothing seems to go right. But, when there are days like that, I need to be the mom that will always stay strong, even when all I want to do is throw in the towel.

I need to be the mom that knows she is loved.

She is enough.

She is kicking ass.

Let’s all be that mom.

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