Judging. I think every parent feels like they are being judged by other parents but if you stop and look most of the time other parents are so busy with their own children they aren't even looking at you and your kid. Most of the time we are judging ourselves.
I always try to tell myself to focus on my child and our family situation but it is hard to not compare yourself to others and sometimes judge yourself.
My latest example: That almost 2 year old just said a sentence and my almost 2 year old can't even say, "Mama".
I have found that I need to work on me not judging myself. I know I am a great Mom and I know I have great kids. I just need to remind myself of this in the hard moments of parenting.
Sometimes the best way to stop judging yourself is just to be honest and accept the truth.
I'll go first: Here is my youngest. He loves our family iPad like many toddlers and Yes I have busted it out in a restaurant so I could enjoy a conversation with my friends. Let's embrace honesty and stop judging ourselves. If your child is safe and happy you can't being doing that bad of a job.
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