I wanna be there when the lights come on.
When you open your eyes for the first time.
When you speak your first word.
The first time you really see and appreciate color.
When you learn how to sit and stand.
When you start to walk.
When you start talking and never want to stop.
When you try new foods.
When you make friends.
When you learn to love music and the way it makes you feel.
When you draw your first picture.
When you write your first story.
When you start school.
When you dance in the rain.
Heck, when you dance anywhere and in front of anyone.
When you impress yourself.
When you accept yourself.
When you fail yourself, but realize how capable you are of standing right back up.
When you go on adventures.
When you see that life is just one big one.
When you go after whatever it is that you want.
When you speak your opinions.
When you know your worth and remind others of it.
When you fall in love with someone.
When you fall even deeper in love with yourself.
I wanna be there when the lights come on.
because I'm your mother,
I'm gonna spend every waking minute of all of my days ensuring they will.
If ever you are stuck in the darkness,
if ever you are unsure of your path,
if ever you question your strength,
if ever you question your potential,
I will light the way and stay beside you.
This, I promise you.
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