If you give a kid a mask, she's gonna wear it.
When she wears it, she may ask why.
When she asks why she'll know it's to keep herself and others healthy.
Then she'll feel good and proud, and she'll want to go to school to see her friends.
When she sees her friends, she might notice that some don't have one on.
So, she'll probably wonder why.
When she's done pondering such, she'll remember that every family makes their own choices and that we must respect all people and theirs.
She'll start playing with her friends.
She might get carried away and play with E-V-E-R-Y-O-N-E.
She may even play 'til she plops.
When school is done, she'll probably want to come home. You'll have to pry from her loving teacher and new friends.
She'll tell you she had a "great day," hop in the car and buckle up to head home. She'll take her mask off.
When she sees her house, she'll get so excited and run inside. She'll plop on the couch and ask for a snack.
When her snack is done, she'll want to play...with friends.
Then she'll ask to go to the park. Which means she'll need her mask!
She'll put on her mask and look in the mirror. Looking in the mirror will remind her of her smile...
and that everyone has one - whether we can see 'em or not!
So she'll put hers on.
And chances are if she puts a mask on...
she's still gonna play with her friends who didn't.
To each their own. But to others, only kindness.
This parody of "If you give a mouse a cookie" is intended to ease the worries of any mama sending her masked or unmasked kid back their brick and mortar for the 2021-2022 school year.
If we are
kind to one another,
respect one another,
and just love one another despite any differences in opinion,
our kids will only know how to do the same.
This post is not political. It is meant to bring a little lightness and levity to an incredibly divisive topic, and if knowing that, it still didn't sit right with you, grab a cookie ('cause Lord knows you deserve one), and that sure should.
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