If you're impressed by fancy things and fancy people,
I'm probably not for you.
If you're into clean cars,
the kind that don't rhyme with "man," and look and smell like a trashcan,
I doubt I’m for you.
If people who don't complete their trains of thought without taking you on irrelevant and erratic story detours like my iced coffee tastes really good this morning annoy you,
I'm definitely not for you.
I'm not for you. LOL.
If you hate exclamation points and emojis or regularly exercise hate in any form,
I'm likely not for you.
Speaking of hate, if you despise black leggings and graphic tees and aren't impressed by perfectly messy topknots,
perhaps I’m not for you.
If you require constant attention or if you outwardly claim that moms who complain are just looking for the same,
I'm not for you.
If you can't stand a mess and you, your house and your kids don't ever look like one,
I'm not for you.
BUT if you agree with me on this one thing
-- that no one woman (or man for that matter) is on this planet "for" anyone but their dang self --
then I might be for you.
If you believe that each of us is here to
"be you, do you, and serve YOUR purpose," and that the world would be boring as heck if we all were running around
looking the same,
doing the same thing,
and with the same purpose,
then I might be for you.
If you agree with me that the world is and should remain a freakin' mixing bowl of goodness and that when we
come together
and love each other
and support each other,
and motivate each other,
and cheer each other on,
and champion each other,
even if and even when there are stark differences between how we operate,
a masterpiece results,
perhaps I’m for you.
If you find incredibly beautiful a world full of adult humans loving and encouraging other humans as we raise our mini-humans to do the same,
I think I am for you.
But we've all got to remember this:
If someone is not your cup of tea or you're not theirs, it doesn't mean you can't come together for a tea or any other kinda party.
It just means it’s gonna be the BYOP kind where you
and, damn, those kinds are the best.
Love thy neighbor, mama.
The neighbor that doesn't
look like you,
act like you,
talk like you,
pray like you,
cook like you,
or love like you.
Love her and let her love you, and we're sure to deliver to this world more kids who understand that, without a doubt, connection beats rejection, and it always will.
Acceptance for the win -- today, tomorrow, and if we model it for our kids, into the future, and always.
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