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Challenge: Bringing Home Baby: What Do You Wish You’d Known?

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​Like most moms, I has no idea what I was getting into. I believed though, that as long as I did what I was told, my baby would be happy and perfect. That lasted about 2 minutes before things started going wrong.

"Why won't my baby sleep on his back?! It's 'not safe' for him to be on his belly, so he MUST learn to sleep on his back! But he loves being on his belly, WHAT DO I DO?!"

I has variations of this conversation with myself nearly every day. I was clueless and everything I was told was right seemed to make my baby more miserable.  One day I got fed up. I WANTED my baby to be happy and he wanted to sleep on his belly; so we did it. Wouldn't you know, he slept perfect after that?

I think that was the moment I began to question where all this "right and wrong" ways to parent came from. I understand that there are some rules that shouldn't be broken, but why not do what makes your baby happy if  it feels right? Why not let them eat food at 5 months, even though your friend's cousin's sister in law read it  causes food allergies. Why not rock your baby to sleep, even though your mother swears he's going to be spoiled? At the end of the day it's YOUR baby and only you can know what works and what doesn't FOR THEM. Once you stop trying to conform to what you read on some blog or online forum, and just do what you feel in your heart will be the best for your baby, you will learn to find the perfect balance that works for you and your baby.

Nature is a beautiful thing, and we all have exactly what we need as parents deep within us. You just have to trust that you can do this.

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