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Challenge: Open Discussion

Is Your Child Your Parent Scorecard?

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Why do we base our success as a parent on our child's academic success, their social adeptness, how popular they are, and how good an athlete they are? Is your child developing their own talents at their own pace in a manner that is comfortable for them or are they merely the way you quantify how well you are doing as a parent? Any score less than A+ parenting should be frowned upon, right?

Is the pressure you put on your kids for their benefit? Do you tell yourself it’s “for their future”?

It’s OK to be fearful about the future. It’s even OK to want to brag about our kids. But sadly, more often than not, we can unintentionally parent from a place of selfishness or fear. Sometimes we even care more about how our child's accomplishments (or lack thereof) make us look to our peers than what these milestones or challenges mean for our child.

Are we reliving our childhood through our children or are we really concerned for their future?

In this episode of the ‘I Am The Worst Parent Ever’ podcast, Nicole and Robert tackle the topic of parental confidence and share their thoughts on just why we do this. Then they go even further and share suggestions for how to raise confident, not COCKY children.

This post comes from the TODAY Parenting Team community, where all members are welcome to post and discuss parenting solutions. Learn more and join us! Because we're all in this together.