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Challenge: Back to School 2021

It's In There

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It is hard to believe it is mid-August.

It is harder to believe that the return to school is just around the corner.

Back to school is full of wonder and worry for both parents and children alike.

I love the promise of the coming school year and I love the growth I see in my children by the following summer.

I know my children are anxious to get back to their friends and their learning environment-- even if they aren't exactly excited for schoolwork.

All parents have to trust that they will send their hearts off to school where they will be loved and cared for. We all want our children to be accepted and for others to be kind. We all want to see our children grow and learn and reach their full potential.

There's an extra layer of apprehension that comes along with being the parent of two boys with special needs.

It's in the hope that their educators will understand them and cherish them like we do-- these are our most precious and vulnerable gifts being entrusted to them.

It's in the extra breath that is held from drop off up to pick up-- until we know our child made it through the day.

It's in the silent whispered prayer that the other children will be accepting and kind--that our children will make a friend.

It's in the tears of joy for a well earned success and in the tears of frustration that will be present too.

It's in the stressful sighs exerted at an IEP meeting as we advocate for the basic accommodations that our children need.

It's in the knowledge that we send our loves into a world where we can't protect them and aren't a part of and in the hope that that world won't break their hearts or spirits.

It's in my wish that you will teach your children to be kind and accepting. I hope you will encourage them to sit with the lonely kid or befriend someone "different" from them.

It's in all of these things and more...


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