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Challenge: Bringing Home Baby: What Do You Wish You’d Known?

I've Got this Under Control - Yeah Right!

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​By the time I had my first and only child at almost 44 years old, I had already been in business for myself 15 years.  I was used to running around and setting my own schedule and doing my own thing. While pregnant I was determined to work until my 12/5/08 due date and simply go to the hospital and have the baby.  A friend  provided good counsel when she said "look, once the baby is born you will never have time to yourself again, so take time now.  So I listened - and being the control freak that I am, I did a meeting with my employees to brief them on the status of my accounts and their role; then I did the same for my clients adding a detailed memo of how things would run while I was out.  I was quite proud of myself, thinking I had once again controlled a situation. - my pregnancy and how others should react and respond while I was away..  I sent the memo out 11/10/08 and prepared to relax and calmly control the rest of my pregnancy. Mind you, my doctor had already warned me that my baby might come early - but I pooh-pooed that as well as the suggestion that we change my shower date - I had it all figured out! Well, I swear no sooner than I sent that memo out than I started feeling funny - our daughter was born THE NEXT DAY!  Delivered via C-section, I was in the hospital a little longer than planned - so when did I leave - the day that was supposed to be my shower! So what I'd wish I'd have known is that you can't control anything - so take the time when you can because nothing else will ever go exactly as planned!  Six years later I'm still lamenting the fact that I never got my pre-baby rest.  Yes I lament it from my bed, where my daughter is still sleeping with me, my husband and her stuffed animals - but that is another story!

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