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Challenge: Back to School

Keep Your Child From Crying The First Day

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When my youngest went to Kindergarten (12 years ago) he cried his heart out the first day.

After that happened, I realized what I should have done differently.


I remember that first day of Kindergarten for my son like it happened yesterday. And I figured out what I should have done differently. I was a stay-at-home mom. I didn’t even have a blog back then. My three other kids cried the first day too. But not quite as bad as my youngest. None of them really wanted to go to school.

Since I was home all day every day and his sisters and brother were at school all day, MC, (my youngest) and I did a lot of stuff together every single day. We used to play, do work books, take walks, go to the park and the pool and other inside things in the winter.

I never got a babysitter or left him at a friend’s house. So he was used to being with me ALL the time. He was even sleeping with me a lot of nights. Well, this is where I went wrong.

If I could go back, I would definitely do things differently. I would find playdates for him so they could go to each other’s houses. I would get a babysitter outside my family, sometimes. And he probably should have gone to pre-school.

Just getting him away from me for short periods of time would have made him feel better and know I would be back. Do you have any thoughts on this that people should do?

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