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Challenge: Life Changes

Kids and Gangsta Rap

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Before I had kids I never expected that I would miss out on a whole genre of music. What I used to listen to in "da club" and with friends was suddenly off limits. It was fine until my kids got old enough to start parroting words and an "f bomb" was dropped in the grocery store. I realized that suddenly things were different. With our satellite radio and non-edited rap channels, it's hard to find rap that is kid-friendly (trust me, I know it isn't supposed to be). And it isn't so much the bad words. We have teaching moments about those all the time (to us they aren't "bad" words, but adult words because it's perfectly ok for mom to say "sh*t" when she drops something on her toe). Although I love rap as a form of storytelling, I'm not ready to start conversations with my kids about certain things being talked about. So for now, I get bursts of rap on my 5 minute, kid-free carpool rounds. Maybe some day I'll be able to get all caught up on what's happening in rap music. But for now I'm relegated to the Kidz Bop version...

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