I’m not sure what they will remember or what they will be able to communicate that they remember during this crisis but I am trying hard to remember these rainbow moments in between the furious storms of chaos, fear, uncertainty and anxiety. I keep finding these rainbows break though that are carrying me through it all. Moments where someone donates much needed masks or makes us headbands with buttons to help keep the masks from rubbing our ears raw during our long shifts. Moments where our neighbors ask if they can grab us food or groceries knowing how fearful we are for our immunocompromised child. Moments in between the kids fighting and breakdowns where they hold hands or make me laugh till my cheeks hurt. Moments where I stop to think about how hard our teachers and administrators must be working to try and figure out the next moves for educating our kids. Moments where I watch the nurses I work with care so genuinely for the patients they are treating. Moments where I prove to myself that I can overcome feeling inadequate, whether that’s at work with my incredible patients or at home trying to educate my children with different learning needs. These rainbows moments are my life line. A promise that I can do it, that I can still experience joy and peace, that there are people who are kind and generous, that we can do all the hard things this season has brought to us. I hope they remember the rainbows we saw during this storm and I pray my heart and eyes are open to seeing as many rainbows I can to help point them out for all of us to witness their beauty.
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