After going through fertility treatment for 3 month's and trying to conceive for 2 years after our first miscarriage (2014) with our precious baby boy @ 17 weeks , my husband and i finally got the wonderful news we were expecting and was due on November 20,2016. At around 12 weeks my pregnancy started to get complicated and in order for me to deliver a healthy baby girl my OB felt the need for me to seek care from a High Risk OB . When i was 15 weeks ( may 2016) i started having bleeding and my High OB decided i needed Cervical Cerclage since my cervix was weakened and needed support to keep carrying my baby girl Arleny, i was also started on progesterone . Everyday i lived in fear not knowing what would happen tomorrow ,but enjoyed and cherished every stage of my pregnancy .Month's passed by and on July 03, 2016 my cerclage was not staying in place and had to have a 2nd cerclage , Praying that my body could make it to at least 30 weeks with this second cerclage, unfortunately it did not happen , and @ 24 weeks July 27,2016 7:27 am my precious angel baby Arleny arrived weighing 1 pound. My daughter had to be transported to different hospital since where i delivered could not take babies under 34 weeks (both great hospital's stone crest and Centennial NICU).
On 7/28/2016 my nurse received a phone call letting her know i needed to to discharged since my daughter was having potassium issues which was affecting her heart and she would not make it through that night, I jumped off my bed and ran out as fast as i could i had no idea where i was going, at that moment i wanted to have wings and fly as fast as i could so i could be with my baby. When i finally arrived i saw my precious angel fighting like a warrior and was not giving up on me , despite that night my daughter made it through, but 3 months later GOD had different plan and needed his ANGEL back 11/18 /2016
Being in the NICU was a tough ride from my daughter having MRSA, PDA ,blood and plasma transfusions, spells, but thankfully we had an amazing support from nurses, doctors, RT’s and front desk staff and all my family, friends and coworkers . All this people a blessing in our daughter’s life. NICU staff play such important roles not just for caring for our preemies, but also making sure as us as parents have the support we need and they always give you those words of comfort assuring you your baby is in great hands. The first weeks my daughter was in the NICU I was so afraid to leave her at nights I did not know how the nurses would take care of her, I was afraid they would forget my baby was in that incubator since she was so tiny (silly me), but after time passed I realized I did not have to be afraid of anything this nurses were angels and they would take care of my daughter as if it were their child.
After the 1st month in the NICU I was getting frustrated wanting to take my daughter home I could not wait till I was able to see her home, watch her come off all those wires, IV’s, oxygen machines, but I knew this is what was keeping her alive, especially our LOVE towards her kept her alive and that motivated me to become patience and wait for GOD’s miracle. Months passed by and my daughters health kept deteriorating she was having frequent spells where she was requiring more oxygen, all I had ever dreamed of was to have her home watch her grow and be healthy, but life had a different plan for us, on 11/18/2016 my daughter went on to a deep sleep where she would be pain free and would be a precious ANGEL in HEAVEN. I have my daughter’s my memories in my heart and will cherish them forever, not a single day passes on where I do not think of her, my only comfort is that her father and I and of course my family and friends gave her endless love which is what she came in this world for to fill our life’s with joy and for us to give her all of our love. "There is no foot so small that it cannot leave an imprint on this world”. Thank you for everything Centennial NICU team!
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