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Challenge: Open Discussion

Momma love is a knowing that cannot be described

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What exactly is this love we feel as mommas?

How does one describe such a feeling?

I don't think there are words, only a knowing.

A knowing that is sometimes a whisper, and other times a gravitational pull that we feel in every fiber of our being--especially when we observe our children accomplish a milestone, achieve success, or live into their dreams. Those moments are tangible and stick to our insides like legs on an expensive Merlot cling to the glass.

I just experienced one of these moments at my oldest son's wedding as I watched him play piano and sing to his new bride. Although I could never describe the emotions swirling within me, my face captures the knowing we all understand and carry deep in our hearts: the pride, the awe, the wonder, and the indescribable joy that gets stuck in our throats as tears well up in our eyes. These experiences are overwhelming and sentient and altogether magical.

I don't know if we'll ever be able to adequately articulate or make sense of this momma love that consumes our being. And that's okay. We don't need to. Our only job is to fall into it and let it carry us through our days as we simultaneously pour it out over our kids.

Gah, the miracle of it all. What a gift. What a reward.

📸 by @katemannellaphoto

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